
Beautiful Lego

Lego's were a huge inspiration to me as a child. Playing with legos gave me an understanding of geometry, color, composition, and even engineering. Lego seems to be a company that despite innovations in technology has managed to stay relevant and capture the imaginations of children and adults alike.  I recently ran into an article pimping a new book by called Beautiful LEGO, by Mike Doyle.

If you make stuff, you should watch this.

You are directly responsible for what you put into the world. Yet every day designers all over the world work on projects without giving any thought or consideration to the impact that work has on the world around them. This needs to change.

Mike Monteiro gives a great talk on responsible design practices, and what we are all doing wrong.


WildCat is a four-legged robot being developed to run fast on all types of terrain. So far WildCat has run at about 16 mph on flat terrain using bounding and galloping gaits. The video shows WildCat's best performance so far. WildCat is being developed by Boston Dynamics with funding from DARPA's M3 program.

I have been following this project for a while, and am really excited to see where it's headed. 

3d Printed Dresses.

 ©MichaelSchmidt - Dita Von Teese

 ©MichaelSchmidt - Dita Von Teese

Michael Schmidt collaborated with architect Francis Bitonti to create the first articulated 3d printed dress for the Ace Hotel, Swarovski  with help from Shapeways.  

The amazing Michael Schmidt Studios designed this 3D gown made with SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS for the lovely Dita Von Teese. Learn more about the design and creation at

The Human Hand Can Only do so much
— Michael Schmidt

©De Zeen Magazine

Francis Bitoni, created a workshop to help participants uses computational design techniques to create new means for wrapping the human form. Two teams merged two designs to create the final form that was critiqued by design, architecture, and 3d printing heavy hitters.