On November 07, 2006, LVHRD collaborated with the newly named young patrons group called "Pop Rally" to throw a unique concert experience where every attendee would be stripped of their cellphones in order to be protected by a condition called Sever Micro Cellulo-tamination.
Over 1,000 people enjoyed an amazing experience that questioned our obsession with mobile technology. It could never have happened without the many staff, volunteers, and supporters of lvhrd, and thehappycorp.
Out Of Time - Exhibition
The MoMA, collaborated with us to promote the out of Time exhibition. We photographed Seth Gabore, lead Guitarist of Les Savy Fav poses as if effected by SMC. Fallen in the out of Time exhibit Next to "Maquette for The Hole" by Monika Sosnowska.
Image © Gary Sloan
Press spreads the word.
The photo that we staged at the MoMA made the local media and helped spread the word about the event to the younger audience that the MoMA desired.
Three Ball 50/50 Tank
Part of the Out of Time Exhibition at MoMA.
Les Savy Fav
Tim Harrington and his band gave a special performance to 1,000 without their cellphones. Image ©lvhrd / Leo Zacharias
A crowded MoMA
A reception hall normally a gathering place for art patrons is now filled with urban music enthusiasts. Image ©lvhrd / Leo Zacharias
Tim arrives as an art thief
Dressed all in black and repelling gear the band arrives on stage with pieces of art currently on display at the Museum including Basket Balls from Jeff Koons Three Balls. Image ©lvhrd / Leo Zacharias
Cell Phone Containment Unit.
Doug Jaeger designed a containment unit that was built by Gary Sloan allong with volunteers in Williamsburg. It was trucked in and assembled on site in the Museum. It held 1000 cellphones for the duration of the event. Image ©lvhrd / Doug Jaeger
Building the Containment Unit
The unit was built at Gary Sloan Studios in Brooklyn on North 10th Street. A special route had to be devised to accommodate the box truck used to deliver the pieces.
Zipties were affixed to the containment unit as a means to keep the cellphones secure from theft and visible to attendees.
Waiting for pick-up
The 8 Sections of the unit await pick-up at Gary Sloan Studios in Brooklyn.
Maquette for The Hole
We fabricated pieces of "Maquette for The Hole" that were photographed and part of mass media, in the hope that audience members would recognize the the art as Tim Harrington and his band threw them into the audience.
Erin Sparling
At the time of (CLL) PHN-LCKN, Erin was helping in a broad capacity, including developing dynamic techniques to print out custom labels to make the cellphone checking process efficient.
Jen Dunlap
Jen helped pull of the heist distributing wet basket balls to the crowd.
Late Nights
At the table, Event Producer, Ben Nabors and freelance designer, Jennifer Daniel conducting late night preparations.
Volunteers gat briefed as the Audience waits outside.