The Hollow (Thermo Electric) Flashlight by Ann Makosinksi. This video breaks down her invention of a flashlight that is powered by the difference between the heat of your hand and the around it. She goes into detail about how it was created, and why it works. The hardware design is pretty cool too.
SImon Christen loves him some timelapse.. really beautful work...
MIchael from Belated media takes a stab at rewriting Starwars the Phantom Menace. Probably one of the most annoying movies ever. He confidently breaks apart the story structure, and provides an opportunity to coach the film maker into building a stronger foundation for the franchise.
Today marks a pretty special day in the land that is geographically debarked as The United States of America.
The Supreme Court dismissed a case today regarding California's Proposition 8 gay marriage ban. Their decision makes same-sex marriage legal again in the state, but also opts against ruling more broadly on the issue of gay marriage.
It's pretty amazing to be living in a place that is still being defined through the participation of it's citizens. To think that new freedoms, are becoming available on this american soil.
A friend of ours who is doing work to support The American Foundation for Equal Rights, shared these photos of people on the ground in Washington DC supporting this cause.
Foursquare and Samsung teamed up to create Foursquare timemachine. Upon your arrival you are invited to authenticate with your foursquare account and begin. The program maps all your checkins on a map.... to hip, beat driven music you realize that your every move is being preserved in a database by our friends at Foursquare.
When you start to think about the underlying technology that supports foursquare, and the logic that is used to connect you with the places that you opt in to share, it's not to hard to imagine how easy it would be for anyone to know where you are at any moment or any previous moment...
This data could be one, hack, api update error, subpoena, acquisition, TOS update away from being shared with the public.
The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier international forum for disseminating new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. SIGGRAPH 2013 brings together thousands of computer graphics professionals, 21-25 July 2013, Anaheim, California, USA. Learn more at
1996 - 1999
In 1996 my professor at Syracuse University in the computer graphics program encouraged us to pay attention to SIGGRAPH. It stand for Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques.
She connected me to the team at SIGGRAPH, and I designed their website. Which included a set of icons that informed the Taxonomy of the website. At the time I had just had an internship at where I had done extensive research on the GIF89a format. At the time I was using a combinaation of Adobe Aftereffects 3.1 for 2d Animation, a 3d package called Infini-D and a program that was designed to reduce color palletes called DeBabelizer.
I ran into this inspiring video by Mark Tipple, called 'Duct Tape Surfing'. The title captured my attention. It's amazing to see the generocity and love that these people share, and how hosestly they are portrayed by Mark.
1 Day in Paradise
“The only way to get to where you want to be is with a long term project. Something that I a am prepared to shoot for six weeks for six months or 60 years, something that is a reflection of who I am as a person.”
Late night at Frothers
Mare Vida
Check out marks work here:
It has become much easier over the past few years to watch TED talks. Even easier to access stuff from a few years ago. I recently re-watched and was captivated by the very simple talk given by Derk Silvers. The dynamics of creating a movement simplified.
- Leaders: The importance of nurturing your first few followers as equals, so it is clearly about the movement, not you.
- Leadership is over glorified. The first follower transforms the lone nut, into a leader. Don't be afraid to join someone.
- Have the courage to follow a lone nut. If you find someone doing something great don't be afraid to follow them and start a movement.
I recently found these really great tips for living in NYC so simply communicated through animated GIFs by Nathan W. Pyle. This also remined me of instructoart, and the work of Matthew Vescovo.
Two years in the making, street trials rider Danny MacAskill releases his brand new riding film. Whilst previous projects have focused on locations and journeys, MacAskill's Imaginate sees Danny take a completely different approach to riding.
MacAskill's Imaginate is a great online series, produced by Redbull. His passion for street trials riding and ultimately creating the film above, shows that doing anything great, doesn't come easy. It's a live action toy story.
Check out this video from the Crobsy Press, sharing one of the most innovative uses of the Citi Bike System. Soul Cycle for the rest of us.
Skate of Die.
Wondering if the future of Skate videos are 6 seconds long?
The Anatomage Table (formerly known as the Virtual Dissection Table), developed by Anatomage in collaboration with Stanford University's Division of Clinical Anatomy, is a breakthrough in visualizing human anatomy.
Since I was little boy I was always fascinated with helicopters and vertical take off vehicles. As the media and press have started to pay attention to UAVs in IraQ ana pakistan, I have started to research the costs associated with using UAV's for film making. In my research I recently discovered. Team Black Sheep.
Here are some of their videos:
Costa Concordia Ship Wreck
New York City
I found this really cool series from HYPEBEAST called the Videographers Guide. Building a rich perspective on how to use video for citizen journalism, music videos, and how apps will change the way that videos will be created.
STEVE JOBS, Woodside, CA 1984 © Norman Seeff
In the after glow of the 2013 Apple WWDC, in the post steve jobs era, it is important to remember some words he said. As a call to action to all of us...
“Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact, and that is – everything around you that you call life, was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.”
I wish everyone would stop complaining about apple, and just make something better.
I recently read this Webutante Ball Founder on the Tenets of a Great Internet Party by Erica Swallow, asking Richard Blakeley about the Tenets of a Great Internet Party for Forbes magazine. It's great to see some concise points that work at almost any scale.
- Give them something to talk about.
- Invite the right people.
- Don't skimp on venue technology.
- Go all out with the photo booth.
- Pump that party music.
- Keep the spirits flowing
My experience throwing events in NYC had me discover a few more that I thought would be fun to share..
- Design surprise
Presents are the best when someone has given you something you never knew you needed. Parties are the same way. Give your attendees something that they didn't expect, then do it again.
- Create conversation by seeding awkward moments
When the elevator or subway car stops unexpectedly people speak up, they step aout of their shell and will talk to anyone. This same breaking of character is possible at parties too, and can be manifested without an abundance of alcohol. - Take things away to have more fun.
The coat check is a convention of bars and restaurants to make people more comfortable, and in some cases slow the process when it's time for them to go. I found that taking other things away also made for a great party too.
In 2005 Lvhrd hosted GMHRD the "underpants only videogame tournament" at Barcade. Created a vert awkward social situation, by taking away everyone's pants. Image ©Erin Sparling
In 2006 LVHRD and MoMA PopRally invited over a 1,000 attendees to leave their cellphones at the door, rock it out with Les Savy Fav ,and view the 'Out of Time' Exhibition featuring works of Andy Warhol and Jeff Koons. Made possible by the support of Dewars and Brooklyn Brewery.
April 24 2007, LVHRD hosted an event called LV HRD, "love hard". We created romance by inviting the attendees to bring their own light source. In this photo, Ben Nabors, Erin Sparling, and Jennifer Daniel. Image ©Leo Zacharias
In 2009 LVHRD created an experimental conference called WRK/PLY. We designed surprise by making each lecture 1/2 talk and 1/2 audience participation. Steve Hindy from Brooklyn Brewery sampled Beer, Fashion Designer Rebecca Turbo invited the audience to trade clothes, and artist Jon Chonko scanned attendees lunch turning it into art, Scanwiches.